Computer can be classified into four categories based on size namely Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super computer. Micro computers are smallest and based on the use of microprocessors. Microprocessor is combined or integrated circuit which contains all the elements of processing. Smaller than mainframe and have lowspeed, low storage capacity. Basically used for small business application are known as home computers.
Minicomputers are little larger than micro computes also use same microprocessor but with more speed. They can be lined with other systems to form network. Support multiuser and multi task. These are used in business and commerce such as
Mainframe computer can handle hundreds of users at same time because
Supercomputers are the fastest computers. They can solve a wide range of large scale problems which require exclusive arithmetic operations . Super computer uses ` Non-Von New Mann’ Design. These computers are used in multiprocessing, multitasking and parallel processing for different tasks. Specially these computers are used in molecular structural analysis, weather forecasting etc.